My weekly personal note:
(Skip down to the weekly journal jots if you prefer.)
Good afternoon,
So there seems to be a lot of sickness going around right now… no matter what planet you’re living on. Of course, I haven’t visited Mars or anywhere else lately. ha!
One thing that can help you stay upbeat is to look for those little blessings everywhere you glance…and have a good sense of humor.
Learn to laugh at yourself — and don’t take yourself so seriously! No one else does! LOL (Joking)
Proverbs 17:22 (KJV) says, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”
My youngest son, when he lived at home would have Google tell him a funny joke every day before heading out to work. I think it’s kind of a bright idea.
I have a little one to share with you today…
Q. Why do the French like to eat snails so much?
A. They can’t stand fast food.
So there you have it… my word of encouragement today! (Cheesy Grin)
By the way, I do appreciate you very much being on my newsletter list…and enduring some of my dullest moments along the way too. Hee hee! You are the BEST! :)
Keep walking in faith,
Rhonda White
“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” - Psalm 51:10 kjv
Fun creative idea!
Some of my friends that know me well… know two things. I like FAST projects and DUCT TAPE. Hahaha!
Well, these days there’s no excuse not to repurpose boxes & containers and make them look cute. There are now a TON of Duct Tape designs available in the stores. Watch the clearance shelves because sometimes you’ll find some tape that’s being discarded off the shelves.
Go create and have fun!
Source: Duct Tape Organizer |
(Save the image above, and find a creative way to use it.)
7 Journal Jots: (Use these ideas for your own journal or ministry)
In the beginning GOD… “If I didn’t believe the first four words of the Bible, I wouldn’t believe the sixty-six books of the Bible.” - Dr. Tom Malone (Deceased)
FAITH: “Keeping the faith will keep you on fire. It will cause you to feast on the blessedness of His realness. It will keep you happy and active in Christ. It will keep worldliness out and godliness in! Keep the Faith!” - Pastor David Brown
“The first four commandments focus on our relationship to GOD. The other six deal with our relationships with others. The fifth commandment — to honor our parents — is a natural transition between our duties to our Heavenly Father and our fellow mortals.” - Refreshing Daily in God’s Word, January 2022 issue
“It is better to forgive the injustices of our past than to allow them to remain, take root, and poison the rest of our life.” - Refreshing Daily in God’s Word, October 2021 issue
Spiritual maturity proceeds in four stages: Help me > Tell me > Show me > Follow me (you become a spiritual leader for others!)
WORSHIP: “For worship is the submission of all our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness; the nourishment of mind with His truth; the purifying of imagination by His beauty; the opening of the heart to His love; the surrender of will to His purpose — and all of this gathered up in adoration, the most selfless emotion of which our nature is capable and therefore the chief remedy for that self-centeredness which is our original sin and the source of all actual sin.” - William Temple
QUESTION: Are you teachable? Our society has become so full of self, pride, and stubbornness that they are no longer teachable. Let our minds and hearts be open to what God has to teach us.