My weekly personal note:
(Skip down to the weekly journal jots if you prefer.)
Good afternoon, Friend,
I recently had an incident that I almost acted upon simply because someone told me that I should do something. It sounded like a good idea for sure, but after further questioning and pondering on some simple truths and facts, it could have been a detrimental thing if I had taken action upon it.
I was relieved that I didn’t act quickly, and that I took time to consider several things, discuss the situation further and ask questions.
In today’s Proverbs (chapter 14, since today is July 14th) there is a verse that says, “The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.” (Proverbs 14:15 kjv)
I know decisions are hard to make at times. And sometimes we will indeed make mistakes.
But, the prudent person is at least going to take careful thought before acting. By trying to seek God’s wisdom, we will indeed cut down on thoughtless actions that will have undesirable consequences.
May I encourage you today to take time to consider, research, and pray about all your decisions.
Keep walking in faith,
Rhonda White
“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” - Psalm 51:10 kjv
FREE! JULY’S Bible Reading Schedule N Printables
(Bible Reading Calendar, Memory Verse, Memory Verse Weekly Planner, Journal Jots, Bible Study Notes)
Bookmark, Download or Print: (This month’s: pp. 48-52)
(Save the image above, and find a creative way to use it.)
7 Journal Jots: (Use these ideas for your own journal or ministry)
CHOOSE GOD EVERY SINGLE DAY. It’s impossible to go wrong with such a choice! (Remember Daniel, Shadrach Meshach and Abednego…They just chose to serve GOD even over opposition and the threat of death…Daniel in the lion’s den and the other three thrown into the fiery furnace.)
“I’m not so sure that it’s completely true that time heals all wounds until the day we arrive on Heaven’s shore. I think that is what makes us long for Heaven all the more. However, I do believe we learn to see the beautiful clouds and rainbows. God brings beauty in the storm, and the water makes tender the ground of our hearts.” - Mary Jane Esposito
It takes a lifetime to build up a testimony of integrity and only five minutes to destroy it.
Integrity is an inner critic that refuses to tolerate less than your best.
Praising and thanking GOD changes your attitude, which changes your perspective on your circumstances.
HUMILITY: Don’t think less of yourself but rather think less about yourself.
QUESTION: Why am I doing this? “Better to ask yourself ‘why am I doing this?’ BEFORE you do it, ‘why did I do this?’ AFTER you’ve done it.” - Refreshing Daily in God’s Word, July 2021 issue (Lord, help me to think and pray before I take action.)