My weekly personal note:
(Skip down to the weekly journal jots if you prefer.)
Good afternoon, Friend,
Can you believe the turn around of this weather? Haha! I’m not sure what the weather is like in your area, but the spring weather went back into temporary hibernation. The plants, animals and birds must be so confused like we are! LOL
This week I started reading the book, “To Seek and to Save” by Paul Chappell.
Soul winning has been a matter heavy on my heart. I feel like we put so much into life… cleaning house, raising children, cooking, planning events, etc. But, how much time do we invest in learning to lead others to Christ more effectively?
In the first chapter, Paul Chappell discusses Jesus’ own motivation to seek the lost…
1. Brevity of time. (People are dying every day and Jesus could come back at any moment!)
2. Jesus’ intense desire to please His Heavenly Father. (How much do we truly desire to please our Heavenly Father in sharing our faith?)
3. A literal hell. (Revelation 20:15) (Isn’t it important that we work at snatching others from the lake of fire?)
Just something to ponder on today…
There is so many DISTRACTIONS today that Satan uses to occupy our time and energy so that we’re not busy about soul winning.
What is distracting you from being a faithful servant of God? For each of us, it could be something different that steals away our efforts.
Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)
We often focus on the second part of this verse, “I will make you fishers of men.”…but the first part is where the SUCCESS lies.
To be a successful soul winner, we must FOLLOW JESUS. In other words, you and I need to be faithful Christians, pleasing God and following biblical principles.
By the way, never underestimate the power of a gospel tract…or your words in sharing the gospel. We are vessels of God, delivering the message…and it’s the Holy Spirit who will use these means to lead the sinner to Christ.
Keep walking in faith,
Rhonda White
“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” - Psalm 51:10 kjv
Reminder: FREE! April’s Bible Reading Schedule N Printables
(Bible Reading Calendar, Memory Verse, Memory Verse Weekly Planner, Journal Jots, Bible Study Notes)
Bookmark, Download or Print: (This month’s: pp. 31-35)
(Save the image above and find a creative way to use it.)
7 Journal Jots: (Use these ideas for your own journal or ministry)
God never worries. Such a simple statement, but if we truly believe that, we can realize that we do not need to worry about anything either. And, we should pray about everything and leave it in God’s hands. He is always in control! (*See Philippians 4:6)
Pray as if everything depends on GOD, and then work as if everything depends on you.
“It is far better to put a thousand men to work than it is to do the work of a thousand men.” - D.L. Moody
“I use not only my own brains, but also all that I can borrow.” - Woodrow Wilson
GOD’S resources are equal to the task or need at hand.
“The greatest quality of a leader is selflessness.” - General Doublas MacArthur
*QUESTION: What am I doing today to help someone?